So that later can be produced, the development is currently focused on reducing the size and make the system more simple. With this addition the comparison between costs and benefits to be optimal. Therefore, researchers are now focusing designing components with just one high-temperature circuit."The recovery of heat energy conducted on the exhaust. Energy used to heat the fluid under high pressure temperature. The liquid that is heated will expand and flow into the turbine, spinning and producing energy, "explains Jürgen Ringler, Team Leader for the Thermal Energy Conversion at the center of BMW Group Research and Technology.In turbosteamer last generation, the engineers developed an innovative turbine expansionary impulse turbine based on the principle of (action) with different advantages (cheaper, lighter and smaller) as compared with the previous concept."We achieved great progress of the specified target. We have successfully developed a system that is ready to be produced in the decades ahead. When completed, this system weighs only 10-15 kg and can produce electricity when the car accelerated on the freeway or out of town, "beber Ringler. Even for long trips, will reduce fuel consumption by about 10 percent.All the components have undergone the test bench with a configuration module that can be incorporated in the vehicle. Installation done on mokap (mock-up) BMW 5 sedan.DirectTEG projects are now focused on the production. Two alternative systems are developed according to the temperature difference in the exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR). Stage of development focused on the unit incorporated in the exhaust system. For this, the size and weight of the component is created as small and as short as possible.TEG convert exhaust heat directly into electricity. For this, the BMW Group engineers fix only technology that has been used for four decades by NASA. The principle works, the technology also known as the Seebeck Effect, the voltage can be generated between two different semiconductor thermoelectric temperature.Because previous degrees TEG efficiency is still low, this technology is considered less suitable for automotive applications. However, in recent years, due to material technology continues to evolve, the performance of TEG has been successfully upgraded, the better.Third GenerationThe first step taken was to bring together engineers TEG on the exhaust system to generate electrical current. The system actually has been shown to the public in 2008 and produces 200 watts power. At that time, efsiensinya still considered low.But by using new materials - weights and measures berukurang - the last generation TEG mounted in the exhaust produces 600 watts of electricity. Pretty soon, is expected to reach 1,000 watts. Final prototype tested in the BMW X6, according to BMW sponsored by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) or some sort of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Indonesia.In 2009, the BMW Group launched alternative development of this project. TEG is no longer installed as separate modules on kanlpot under the car, but united in the EGR radiator. Could actually produce 250 watts of electricity or it can reduce fuel consumption 2 percent.ProfitThe advantage of energy recovery system is considered more attractive because it also produces additional benefits. Between the warming machine (also the passenger compartment in cold climate countries). In addition, together with the BER is also ideal.If BER is obtained when the car slowed down or stopped, TEG produce them on a variety of conditions, specifically when the throttle (acceleration) and the car drove at a constant speed. The researchers estimate, how can save up to 5 percent. Especially when a car driven by everyday conditions. .In the future, also utilized penyelimutan insulation system and the engine room. In this way, the temperature can be stabilized by a heat engine is left so that the heating time is faster.
Exhaust heat sink can also be used to warm the transmission oil so that the frictional resistance will be decreasing.Thus, the target engine experts today are utilizing the hot exhaust and engine system, to be converted into electrical energy! Especially for machines that are still using fuel oil or gas!

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